Traditional Chinese medicine (T.CM)
T.CM. is a holistic system of health care that originated in China several thousand years ago. Therapies include acupuncture, herbal therapy, Tuina massage and therapeutic exercise. TCM views the body as a whole and addresses how illness manifests itself in a patient and assesses and treats the whole patient, not just the specific disorder.
Shiatsu Therapy and Tuina Massage
Tuina and Shiatsu are two styles of bodywork based in traditional East Asian medicine. Both styles of involve various massage techniques, passive stretching, joint mobilization and structural alignment and the treatment of neuromuscular pain and disorders of an internal nature.
In East Asian Medicine bodywork is applied to tendino-muscular meridians and acupuncture points with the goal of restoring healthy function. These traditional pathways and points tend to overlap with contemporary understanding of muscular skeletal anatomy and myofascial organization.
Tuina originated in China and translates as push (tui) and grasp (na). It uses an extensive variety of rhythmic techniques and manipulations along the course of tendon-muscular pathways acupuncture points, muscles, and joints. Tui na is task focused: it concentrates on specific areas of the body and employs various protocols to address injuries and syndromes.
Developed in Japan, Shiatsu is a form of bodywork that translates to finger pressure. It is based on principles of traditional eastern medicine, modern anatomy and kinesiology. Shiatsu uses precise rhythmic pressure with the thumbs, elbows and knees and extensive stretching to assess and treat a various conditions